Your logo speaks more about your brand than you would ever desire. This makes it a dangerous endeavor to design (or approve) one that sends out a wrong or inaccurate message to the market. And while this apparently pushes message to the pedestal when it comes to effective logo design, creativity must not take a backseat. Because actually, in order to be successful in creating a single picture, illustration or whatever-have-you-for-a-logo that reflects who you are in the massively competitive market of brands, creativity must rule.
So while you’re still thinking up a good concept, color scheme, or design for your logo, here are some great ones from the year 2015 that ranks well in our books. In no particular order:
Beef Cut Butchery
As you can see, there’s a bull’s head on the blade of the butcher’s knife. So even without the text stating it’s a beef butchery, you’ll know exactly what the company does. Meaty!
OC Beard & Mustache Club
Orange slices = Orange County? Sure works like a charm. Plus they’re merged to form a mustache. Clever!
Mitch Loewenherz
Nothing else screams ‘Lionheart’ like this logo! FYI: The english translation of Lowenherz is ‘Lionheart’.
Fur & Foliage
Leaves in the shape of paws and a tree trunk is so Fur & Foliage. You’ll know it the moment you see it!
Artmosphere Bistro
The design on this one may be a bit elaborate, but you’ll see everything you need to see without getting confused.
Lighthouse Stories
A lighthouse that’s actually the tip of a calligraphy pen. Shouldn’t take a whole minute to figure that one out! Should it?
Let Save
It’s difficult to miss the stylized letter L and the strategically imposed letter S on the lower bar. Nice one, Let Save!
Himanga Design
Is the design seemingly a no-brainer with an H as the backrest to a chair? Nope. We’re still actually deciding on whether it is just that exactly, or it’s also an H on a tabletop, or an H on the roof of a house. Not so no-brainer, eh?But this one’s our favorite!
Moon Photography
There’s a charming quirkiness to this logo, aside from the strategically placed crescent moon (or could that also be an eye?) inside the letter O which also doubles as a camera lens.
Architects’ Association
You do know that’s not just two towers, but also two letter A’s standing side by side, right? Because it is. Very simple and minimalist, but sends out so much. Indeed, less can be more.