Now is no more need to stay days in front of computer to draw realistic 3D maps, from urban map to route or golf maps, football fields, isometric or classic paper maps. Is no need to have an expensive 3D software license. Create your own 3D maps with only one click! Every shape is possible and delivers a professional result. The following Adobe Photoshop add-ons are great for web graphics, info graphics or presentations. Even the following Adobe Photoshop actions are premium add-ons, the small prices (5$ – 8$) are a great save actually. Be smart and manage the time in a more proper way. On the other hand, how many graphic designers can really achieve similar renders by their own skills?
3D Map Generator – Adobe Photoshop Action
Choose between three different directions (left, right or frontal). The tileable texture can be moved unlimited and the shadows and layers of earth are placed on single layers, so that they can be edited every time. Then create your own personal terrain with the 30 detailed bonus elements, which most of them are editable, too.
3D Map Generator Pro – Easy Routes – Adobe Photoshop Action
Generate your own 3D Map with a set of 22 one-click-actions! Automatically and with a professional result of every imaginable shape. With the new functions of the 3D Map Generator Pro there are nearly uncountable different variations of one map possible. Choose between three terrain directions and 15 different surfaces and variations (e.g. grass, sand, snow, dry earth or wood) All surface textures are tileable and movable. Simply change the light and shadows like you want by using the Photoshop Global Light function! Create also different moods by choosing one of nine backgrounds (e.g. blueprint or night with starry sky ).
Map Creator – PSD Action
All map add-ons elements included. Adobe Photoshop action what work with any type of images (big, small, long or tall). This pckage include 6 actions.
Isometric Map Creator – Adobe Photoshop Action
This set of Photoshop actions will help you to easily create a map from any shape. The final result is a surface consisting of block squares, no matter what were the edges of the original shape. Also, the final result takes the shape contour. Once you’ve generated the surface, you can add any vector shape items that are included in the kit(trees, buildings, vehicles, map pins, etc), or use other elements. Finally you get a stylish 3D map that you can use in your own projects: sites, prints or other way you like.
Paper Maps – The stage for your 3D Maps and Icons
With these Paper Maps you can create impressive maps without any shape or 3D Map Generator. Your maps can be placed into the books very easy via Smart Objects. It takes only a few clicks. For example just take a Google Screenshot of your favored place and paste it into the Smart Object. Or use your own sketches, text or images.
The Soccer Set – Kicker Icons, Football Field and Elements – PSD add-on
With this Soccer Set you can compile your favorite soccer / football team or even a fictive team within a short time. You can show team lineups or reproduce complete motion sequences – very easy and without many Photoshop know-how! The soccer field can be designed individually (see features list). On the different score displays you can picture the name of the team, the logo, the time and scores. On the team table you can record all team names and further informations. The kicker card contains more detailed information to every single kicker. All objects are well-ordered and layered and you have the possibility to edit and disarrange them. You can change the appearance of the lawn and place marks, pictures and text on it via Smart Object. By using the pre-built elements you may outline whole motion sequences.
Map Books – The stage for your 3D Maps and Icons
With these Map Books you can create impressive maps without any shape or 3D Map Generator. Your maps can be placed into the books very easy via Smart Objects. It takes only a few clicks. For example just take a Google Screenshot of your favored place and paste it into the Smart Object. Or use your own scetches, text or images.
Isometric Map PSD Mock-Up creator
This set of actions will help you easily make a map from any image or shape. The final result is a group folder that consist of different layers and you can also correct them by your needs. You can add some special effects like blur effect and perspective effect to the final result surface. These actions can be used for presenting maps in main but you can use it with other sort of different combinations. Final product of action is a stylish tri-fold surface that you can use in your own projects: sites, prints or other way you like
3D Map Generator Pro – Easy Panel
The popular 3D Map Generator now as Photoshop panel plugin! Generate your own 3D Map much easier and faster with the 3D Map Generator Pro – Easy Panel! It combines intuitive handling with the excellent 3D Map Generator Pro! Automatically and with a professional result of every imaginable shape. Perfect for print and web graphics, infographics or presentations.
With the new functions of the 3D Map Generator Pro – Easy Panel you will get nearly uncountable map creation possibilities at your hand. Choose between three terrain directions and 21 different surfaces and variations (e.g. grass, sand, snow, dry earth, wood or water). All surface textures are tileable and movable.
3D Map Generator – Urban PSD Action
Create an outstanding 3D Map of any real-life city with just ONE -CLICK.” Bundle includes a comprehensive STEP by STEP guild lines(tutorial).
Low Poly Art Maker
Now, you don’t have to worry about how you can do it and what software you have to use. With Low Poly Art Maker just open the PSD file and start crating your own 3D low poly city, town, map… just like a game! have fun doing it and be creative with endless combinations and more than 40 elements that you can use, they are in 4 different 3D views so you place them anywhere you want.