Dmitry Ligay is an artist and illustrator from Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He graduated from Tashkent State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Department of Design and now works as an illustrator for several foreign magazines and agencies.
Most of Dmitry’s illustrations are combination of traditional drawings and watercolors. He follow the traditional manner of drawing and graphics combining it with editing in Photoshop, and this allows to see the traditional style in a modern context.
His list of clients include BBDO Moscow, Beluga noble russian vodka, Billboard magazine, CEO magazine, Conde Nast Traveller, Devour the day, Esquire magazine, GQ magazine, Harvard Business Review magazine, Leo Burnett Moscow agency, Men`s Health magazine, Monno music, Nokia, Prime Russian Magazine, ProСпорт magazine, Robb Report Vietnam, Rolling Stone magazine, Snob Collection magazine, Snob`s Platinum boutique, Strelka institute, WWF, The Village, журнал Вокруг Света, Кинопоиск, Локомотив ФК, издательство Манн Иванов и Фербер, журнал Медведь, журнал Наш Зенит, альманах Полдень 21 век, Сбербанк, журнал Сноб, Яндекс
- Zupi magazine
Editor: Allan Szacher / February 2009 / Sao Paulo, Brazil. - Russian Illustration WOW! vol. 1
Editor: Arseny Vesnin / Designcollector / Blurb / 2010 / Saint-Petersburg, Russia. - Illustrators Unlimited
The essence of contemporary illustration.
Edited by Robert Klanten, Hendrik Hellige / Gestalten / 2011 / Berlin, Germany. - Archikultura
Editor-inChief: Inagamova Komila, Text-Chief: Izabella Shavaeva, Creative director: Azim Zakirov / DESIGN KULTURA / Uzbekistan, Tashkent / 2017.
We are charmed by his collection and we’re impressed with his work. Dmitry has lots of amazing creations but we have decided to showcase his The Hole illustrations.
Kyrgyzstan takes out large loans to finance road building. This strategy produces short-term results but, in the long run, the loans are pushing the country into a financial hole.
Join us on a journey through the five levels of corruption and incompetence in Kyrgyzstan.
Author: Ivan Yanushkevich
Illustrator: Dmitry Ligay
Designed by Bremenconsultants
Expert Support provided by Nash Vek
To know more about Dmitry Ligay, please visit his pages at: